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Organize and export candidates

Learn how to organize and export candidates from SeekOut.

SeekOut Projects

  1. How to use Projects

    A Project is a workspace within SeekOut where you can save candidates for a specific job, collaborate with your team, or share candidates with your hiring manager.

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  2. Import Profiles from LinkedIn Recruiter

    If you have a LinkedIn Recruiter account, you can export profiles from your project pipelines and into SeekOut. SeekOut will automatically enrich the data with their full background, education, profile photos, and contact information.

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  3. Candidate profile uploads and data enrichment

    Many recruiters and salespeople have lists of candidates with their names, company, title, and/or location. These could be from previous sourcing tasks or conferences.

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  4. Sharing Projects with Teammates and Hiring Managers

    Learn how to share projects with teammates and hiring managers across your organization, including information around bias reducer.

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  5. How do I view a project that is shared with me?

    Viewing a project that has been shared with you requires a free SeekOut account. A coworker with a SeekOut license can share a link to a project with you. Click on the link, enter your name and email address, then create a password.

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Exporting Candidates

  1. Export a Candidate Profile to PDF

    You can export a SeekOut candidate profile to a PDF document, giving you another way to present candidates to your hiring manager. The data you export depends on your plan level.

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  2. Exporting SeekOut Data to an Excel File

    You can export candidate information from SeekOut to an Excel file. Excel files exported from SeekOut are comma-separated value spreadsheets that can contain candidate information, illustrative graphs, and other insights. The contents of an Excel file depend on where the export is performed.

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    Focus your energy and efforts with Pipeline Insights

    Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 7:00 PM UTC

    As a recruiter, do you start your day trying to understand where to put your energy and effort? SeekOut’s Pipeline Insights helps uncover the mystery of where to spend your time. Join this session and learn that you don't need to be a data expert to get answers to the questions you care about.

    SeekOut 301: Advanced Boolean & Filtering Tips (On Demand)

    Multiple Dates

    301 is the icing on the cake- focusing on advanced boolean search techniques and refining a talent pool with SeekOut’s proprietary filters.

    SeekOut 201: People Insights & Introduction to Boolean (On Demand)

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    The 201 training picks up right where we left off in our 101 training with an introduction to Boolean, SeekOut’s proprietary Field Search operators, People Insights, and Cloning profiles.