Candidate profile uploads and data enrichment
Many recruiters and salespeople have lists of candidates with their names, company, title, and/or location. These could be from previous sourcing tasks or conferences.
Table of contents
Many recruiters and salespeople have lists of candidates with their names, company, title, and/or location. These could be from previous sourcing tasks or conferences.
With SeekOut, you can start with a basic list of candidate information and automatically enrich the data with their full background, education, profile photos, and contact information.
Upload Candidates to a Project
Setting up Your Spreadsheet
Use the provided template to build your list of candidates: SeekOut-Bulk-Upload-Template.xlsx
Note For best results, always include the candidate's LinkedIn profile URL.
Organize your candidate information onto the spreadsheet starting with row 2. The more information you supply, the better your enrichment results. Take care not to move or change any of the column headers in row 1.
When you're done, save the spreadsheet as an xlsx, xls, or csv file.
SeekOut Candidate Upload Column Headers
Full Name - the candidate's first and last name.
First Name - the candidate's first name.
Last Name - the candidate's last name.
Location - the candidate's location. Examples: cities ("Los Angeles"), metropolitan areas ("Los Angeles Area"), and states ("California").
Company - the candidate's current or previous company/employer.
Title - the candidate's current or previous title.
LinkedInUrl - the candidate's full LinkedIn profile URL. For best results, always include this information.
Email1, Email2, Email3 - enter up to three different email addresses for the candidate.
Phone Number1, Phone Number2, Phone Number3 - enter up to three phone numbers for the candidate.
Uploading to SeekOut
Go to the Projects page and click Create New. Name your project and click Create to add the new project to your project list. Click on your newly created project to open it up, and click Upload Candidates to open the Bulk Upload dialog.
Drag and drop your file or click Upload File and select your candidate spreadsheet. The Content Mapping window will appear.
If you made your candidate list using the SeekOut template, the headers from row 1 in your file will already match the SeekOut Field Headers.
If your candidate list has different file headers than the template, use the dropdown menus to match your file headers with the SeekOut Field Headers. For any headers in your file that don't have a SeekOut field equivalent, choose Select Field Name or Ignore Column from the dropdown menu.
When you're done, click Confirm Mapping to begin your upload.
Upload Complete
The candidate upload process takes only a few minutes. You will receive an email once your upload is complete. Inside the email is a summary of your uploaded candidates and a link to view your project.
Once the candidates are in the project, you can work with them like you work with any SeekOut project -- find their contact information, get recommendations for similar candidates, and export their profile data to a spreadsheet.
Spreadsheet Formatting Quick Tips
Names with non-Latin and other special characters should be omitted if possible.
Multi-tab spreadsheets are not supported by profile upload. Only the first tab of candidate info will be uploaded.
Avoid formatting the spreadsheet with colors, fonts, charts, etc.