Experience and Education Filters

SeekOut groups similar filters together into categories. These categories allow you to combine filters in unique ways, making it even easier to find untapped talent with specific or uncommon skills and experience. 

This feature is available for users with Essential, Professional, or Enterprise licenses.

SeekOut groups similar filters together into categories. These categories allow you to combine filters in unique ways, making it even easier to find untapped talent with specific or uncommon skills and experience. 

SeekOut's Experience and Education filters can be applied separately, or they can be combined to find candidates using specific criteria.

Watch the video to learn more, or keep scrolling to read how the Experience and Education filters work.

How to use the Experience and Education Filters


The Experience section has two tabs: Standard and Combined. Each tab contains three filters: Company, Title, and Years of Experience. 

Experience - Standard tab

Use these filters to search for candidates based on their previous work experience. Company and Title filters have four options: Current or Past, Current, Past, or Past Not Current. This allows you to make precise searches for candidates based on your specific criteria.

Current or Past is the default option for both filters. You can choose a different option by clicking the arrow and selecting one from the dropdown list.

  •  Company

    • Type the name of a company in the Add field and select the company from the results.

  • Title

    • Type a job title in the Add field and select the title from the results.

  • Years of Experience

    • This filter looks for the total number of years since a candidate first graduated from college. If the candidate didn't attend college, it's the number of years since they graduated high school.

    • Use the sliding scale to create a range of years or select one of the presets below the slider to apply it to your search.

You can layer filters from different options. See Layering Filters below.

Experience - Combined tab

Use the Combined tab to perform a more targeted search. 

Enter your criteria in each of the entry boxes, then click the Enter Search button to perform the search with your chosen criteria. You can enter multiple filters for each entry.

Use the Combined Experience filters to look for talent with very specific work skills and history.

The example above will return candidates who worked at Uber, Lyft, or Twitter as a Software Engineer between the years of 2014 and 2022. 


The Education section has two tabs: Standard and Combined. Each tab contains three filters: School, Degree, and Major.

Education - Standard

Use these filters to search for candidates based on their education background.

Check the box next to a filter to apply it to your candidate search or type your criteria into the Add entry boxes and select it from the list of items that appear.

Education - Combined

Use the Combined tab to perform a more targeted search.

Enter your criteria in each of the entry boxes, then click the Enter Search button to perform the search with your chosen criteria. 

Customizing Your Filters

Click Manage Filters at the top of the filter list to customize which filters appear on your search page.

Filters under My Filters on the left will be shown on your search page. You can decide which filters you want to see using the All Filters menu on the right. Check the box next to a filter to have it appear on your search page, or uncheck the box to hide it.