What industries are listed in SeekOut?
See article for full list of industries and industry filters.
Table of contents
List of SeekOut Industries
Here are the categories we use to classify industries:
Accounting Advertising & Marketing Aerospace Agribusiness Apparel & Fashion Arts Auto Biotechnology Chemical Commerce Computer & Internet Construction Consulting Consumer Products Defense Education & Research Electronics Energy Environment | Financial Services Food & Beverage Furniture & home furnishings Government Healthcare Hospitality HR & Recruiting Industrial Engineering Insurance Legal Services Logistics Manufacturing Maritime Media & Broadcasting Medical Devices & Supplies Mining Misc. | News & Publishing Package delivery Pharmaceutical Philanthropy & Non-profit Public Administration Public Safety Real Estate Recreation Religious & Public institutions Retail Services Sports Telecommunications Transportation & Airlines Travel & Tourism Utilities Video Game |
The Industry Filter
Use the Industry filter to narrow down candidates based on their industry. Type the name of an industry in the Adddropdown. Check the box next to a term to include only candidates who work in that industry. If you don't see Industry on your search page, click Manage Filters and select Industry from the pop-up.
Where does SeekOut's industry data come from?
Industry is self-reported by the candidate. Many candidates align their industry with their organization, but some choose an industry that fits their job function.
For example, most candidates who work for Twitter have listed their industry as Computer & Internet. There are other candidates working at Twitter who identify their industry as Advertising & Marketing, Media & Broadcasting, or one of many others.