Advanced Search Syntax with GitHub search

As with Public Profile search, SeekOut supports a wide range of field-specific search capabilities in GitHub candidate search.

This feature is available for users with Professional and Enterprise licenses.

As with Public Profile search, SeekOut supports a wide range of field-specific search capabilities in GitHub candidate search.

Go to SeekOut search and select the GitHub tab at the top of the page. Enter your search terms in the Keywords or Boolean field to the left of your search results.

To find words in a specific part of the candidate's profile, use the structure fieldname:searchterm


This finds anyone with architect somewhere in their title. 

Boolean operators can be used with these field searches:

grad_year:2020 AND cur_title:("business analyst" OR engineer)

This finds anyone who graduated college in 2020 and has a current title containing "business analyst" or "engineer."

You can also use wildcard operators in field searches:


This finds anyone whose current title includes a word starting with "arch" (e.g., architect, archer, etc.)

Field Name Operators

Here are the fields you can use to search within the keyword box in Github Search:

  • full_name:

  • locations:

  • skills:

  • industry:

  • summary:

  • cur_company:

  • cur_title:

  • cur_job_desc:

  • past_companies:

  • past_titles:

  • schools:

  • majors:

  • degrees:

  • grad_year:

  • contrib_repos:

  • diversity:

  • topics:

  • personal_repos:

  • websites: